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Corporate and social responsibility

Profiles related to mobility, business management and sustainability

Professional profiles related to business management and sustainability - Knowledge, skill and competence requirements

Profiles dedicated to Corporate and Social Responsibility

Mobility Manager SCH 28
The Mobility Manager is the professional who draws up corporate mobility and home-to-work travel plans, contributes to the implementation of sustainable mobility measures, supervising and coordinating the various plans and promoting synergies between professionals acting in the area of physical and virtual mobility. The role of the Mobility Manager, provided for since '98, was strengthened in 2020 with the Relaunch Decree and made mandatory for companies over 100 employees and municipalities with more than 50 thousand inhabitants with a special decree in May 2021. The purpose is to create the Home-Work Travel Plan (HWMP), through analysis, development and verification of a number of aspects and make corporate mobility (people and things) more efficient and sustainable Having competent and properly trained Mobility Managers is indispensable and important added value
Circular Economy Professionals SCH 27
The Circular Economy Manager is the professional who can explore the modalities of circular economy business models, assess their applicability within his or her company, and activate all the resources necessary to be able to implement them. The Manager has the authority and delegated authority to initiate new business areas closely related to circular economy business models by seizing the opportunities that the circular economy offers. The Circular Economy Expert is the professional who is able to identify and organize a sustainable growth path that is able to generate value by making the best use of, resources, materials starting from the redesign of products and systems, optimizing production processes (waste, waste) and enhancing the value of matter in closed circles. Is able to initiate circular economy projects by management delegation and in any case circumscribed to specific aspects of production processes
Sustainability Manager and Sustainability Practitioner SCH 22
The Sustainability Manager is the professional who performs management-level management of sustainability in business and corporate social responsibility. The Sustainability Practitioner is the professional who develops and manages at the operational level sustainability
Temporary Manager SCH 26
Temporary Manager is the professional who ensures the entire business management of a company, a significant part of it or complex projects defined in their objectives (quantity, quality, costs, etc.), tying his activity to the achievement of a result in predefined time and cost. The purpose of consulting is to ensure continuity of the organization, increasing its value, existing managerial skills while solving certain aspects of it (economic and financial readjustment, growth, new business development)

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