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Profiles related to Information & Communications Technology

UNI 11621_2

Professional profiles for ICT - Second generation professional profiles

ICT profiles

The UNI 11621-2 standard defines the main professional profiles for second generation ICT taking as main reference what was already defined in CWA 16458, expanding and contextualizing it to the national reality. 23 Professional profiles are identified, representative of ICT and that can cover the entire business process, with the aim of increasing transparency and continuing in the work of convergence in the ICT skills landscape.

Business Management
Corporate Information Manager, CIO and ICT Operations Manager
Technical Management
Quality Assurance Manager, ICT Security Manager, Project Manager e Service Manager
Business Analyst, Systems Analyst, Enterprise Architect e Systems Architect
Developer, Digital Media Specialist e Test Specialist
Service & Operation
Database Administrator, Systems Administrator, Network Specialist, Technical Specialist e Service Desk Agent
Account Manager, ICT Trainer, ICT Security Specialist e ICT Consultant

For each profile, the UNI 11621-2 standard defines tasks, competencies and expected outcomes. With certification, the professional is able to provide greater assurance to his or her clients, gain credibility and access the registers of professionals certified according to the UNI 11621-2 standard.

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