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Data protection profiles

UNI 1197: 2017

Professional profiles related to the processing and protection of personal data - Knowledge, skill and competence requirements

Privacy Profiles

The EU Privacy Regulation Reg. (EU) 2016/679 stipulates the obligation to appoint a Data Protection Officer in cases provided for:

  • Public Administrations

  • Processing of special data

  • Processing that requires systematic and large-scale monitoring of data subjects

The new Standard UNI CEI EN 17740 2024 «Requirements for professional profiles related to the processing and protection of personal data» and the related Technical Specification UNI TS 11945 2024 «Requirements for professional profiles related to the processing and protection of personal data», which took over from the old standard and adheres to the European Regulation, define the following professional profiles that deal, each for its own role and competence, with data protection:

Data Protection Officer
Corresponding to the job profile governed by the EU Regulation 2016/679 (GDPR)
Data Protection Manager
Professional with a high level of knowledge, skills and expertise in a specific organizational context, responsible for taking appropriate technical and organizational measures in the processing of personal data
Data Protection Specialist
Supports the Data Protection Officer and/or Privacy Manager in developing appropriate technical and organizational measures for the purpose of processing personal data
Data Protection Technician
Professional capable of defining and ensuring the application of current data protection regulations in the company. Uses digital techniques and tools to monitor the corporate IT structure and promptly detect cyber threats. This is a new profile introduced compared to previous legislation
Data Protection Assessor
Professional with knowledge and skills in the IT/technology and legal/organizational fields, conducts audits to assess the appropriateness and effectiveness of measures taken for the purpose of processing personal data

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