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Profiles related to Information Security

UNI 11621-4

Job profiles related to information security - Knowledge, skill and competence requirements

Information Security

The standard defines third-generation professional profiles related to information security using the principles specified in UNI 11621-1 "Methodology for the construction of professional profiles based on the e-CF system." The professional working in information security performs a wide range of activities having a cross-cutting nature with respect to other business processes, contributing to the management or verification of a more or less extensive set of significant information processes or systems.

The Standard identifies nine professional profiles:

  • Chief information security officer (CISO)

  • Information security manager

  • Information security process analyst

  • Technical analyst for information security

  • Forensic analyst for ICT incidents

  • Information security process specialist

  • Information security infrastructure specialist

  • Information security application specialist

  • Incident response specialist

For each profile, the Standard defines tasks, competencies, skills and knowledge. With certification, the professional is able to provide greater assurance to his or her clients, gain credibility and access the registers of professionals certified according to the UNI 11697 standard.

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