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Profiles related to web practitioners

UNI 11621_3

Professional profiles for ICT - Professional profiles working in the Web

Web profiles

The third-generation professional profiles related to Web professionals are defined in UNI 11621-3 by applying the "Methodology for the construction of professional profiles based on the e-CF system" with the tools made available by UNI 11621-1 and UNI 11506. The Web Professional exercises, regardless of functional specializations and different organizational contexts and contractual classifications, activities of a professional nature in the conception, design, implementation, organization, management and dissemination of products and services related to the Web sector and related professionalism.

26 professional profiles are identified:

Wikipedian, Web Data Scientist, E-Learning Specialist, Web Augmented Reality Expert, Knowledge Manager, Reputation Manager, Online Store Manager, E-commerce Specialist, Mobile Application, Web Security Expert, Web Accessibility Expert, Digital Strategic Planner, Information Achitect, Web Server Administrator, Web Content Specialist, Server-Side Web Developer, Frontend Web Developer, Web Advertising Manager, Search Engine Expert, Web DB Administrator, Web Business Analyst, User Experience Designer, Web Account Manager, Web Project Manager.

For each profile, the UNI 11621-3 standard defines tasks, competencies, knowledge and skills. With certification, the professional is able to provide greater assurance to his or her clients, gain credibility and access the registers of professionals certified according to the UNI 11621-3 standard.

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