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Antibullying and Cyberbullying Contact Person: coming soon ACS Italia scheme
On the occasion of the week against bullying in schools, ACS Italia, launches the scheme of the Anti-Bullying and Cyberbullying Referent, a key and necessary figure as indicated in the MIUR Guidelines
Official handover of qualification of training paths for Quality Manager of PMA (Medically Assisted Procreation)
ACS Italia officially hands over the certificates of the qualification of the training courses for Quality Manager of PMA (Medically Assisted Procreation)
Il Modello Italiano per la Gestione del Rischio in Sanità MIGeRiS™
Delivered by CSQA the Certificates for MIGeRiS™, developed by LUISS, to Azienda Ospedaliera di Rilievo Nazionale San Giuseppe Moscati of Avellino and the U.O.C. Cardiac Surgery and U.O.C. Pediatrics and the ACS Italia Certificates of Risk Manager
Il modello di governance del paziente con TMA: la Expert Consensus in Regione Sicilia
Delivered by ACS Italia, the official certificate of filing of the Consensus document and certificates of competence as Clinical Expert of pathology
La governance del paziente con PNH nell’area metropolitana di Napoli
Delivered by ACS Italia, official certificate of consensus paper filing and certificates to Board members as Clinical Experts
Presentation event of the "Il Modello Italiano per la Gestione del Rischio in Sanità MIGeRiS™ 4,0"
The presentation event of the "Il Modello Italiano per la Gestione del Rischio in Sanità MIGeRiS™ 4,0" was held in Rome at Luiss Guido Carli University

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