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ACCREDIA-accredited ACS Italia certifications for Automotoclub Storico Italiano technical commissioners kick off

21 March 2024

The new professional profile of "Technician in vintage vehicles and vehicles of historical and collector interest" takes shape

In addition to training and refresher courses, the National Technical Commissioners of the Automotoclub Storico Italiano (ASI) have a new certification of their skills. With the technical support of ACS Italia (a publicly controlled skills certification body) èthe certification scheme accredited by ACCREDIA - the only national accreditation body designated by the Italian government and operating internationally under the supervision of the Ministero delle Imprese e del Made in Italy - has been prepared, giving body to the new professional profile of “Technician of vintage vehicles and vehicles of historical and collectors' interest”.

A certification of competence issued following examinations that take place on three different tests: written, oral and practical with a simulated verification session on vehicles. Recently, the national headquarters of the Automotoclub Storico Italiano, in Turin, hosted an exam session with the presence of Riccardo Bisagno (Accredia Verification Inspector), Luca Di Grazia (Accredia Technical Referent), Massimo Dutto (ACS Italia Director), Silvia Tacchi Venturi (ACS Italia Technical Manager), Stefano Cerrone (Accreditation Scheme Manager), Vittorio Valbonesi and Stefano Antoniazzi (ASI Auto and Moto Technical Commissions Chairmen).

The certifying bodies of historic vehicles such as ASI," comments President Alberto Scuro, "are identified by state legislative provisions and perform their public function in accordance with their provisions. The issuance of Certificates of Historical Significance takes place according to the Decree of the Ministry of Infrastructure and Transport of December 17, 2009, and to ensure the correct application of the procedures provided we follow specific regulations. The first step takes place with the Technical Commissioners of the territorial clubs, who may or may not accept vehicle applications. If a file is instructed, it subsequently goes through the scrutiny of the Headquarters Technical staff and the make and model experts of the National Technical Commissions. Only at the end of this process is the CRS issued. The ACCREDIA-accredited certification for our technicians is therefore a further demonstration of the seriousness and competence of ASI's work.

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