Certify, maintain, grow: your aesthetic career deserves excellence

Temporary managers: exam session kicks off!

10 October 2023

Today you can certify the skills of the Temporary Manager thanks to ACS Italy and Adhoc Managerial Interventions!

Temporary Manager certification refers to the professional activity of individuals who ensure the entire business management of a company, a significant part of it or complex projects defined in their objectives (quantity, quality, costs, etc.), tying the activity to the achievement of a result in predefined time and cost.

The purpose of consulting is to ensure continuity of the organization, increasing its value, existing managerial skills and at the same time solving some aspects of it (financial economic readjustment, growth, new business development).

Today it is possible to certify the skills of the Temporary Manager!

With certification, the professional is able to provide greater assurance to his clients, gain credibility and access to registers of certified individuals.

📑 Go to the November exam session tab and contact us for more information!

Adhoc Interventi Manageriali, with a view to giving value to the managerial skills of its members, has entered into an agreement with ACS Italia, in order to issue the Temporary Manager certification.

🔎 See details of the agreement.

Contact us. Our staff is
available to provide you with all the information you need